Lately Rylan has been spending a lot of his spare time listening to music. He gets CD's from the library. He bought CD's with the money his grandmother sent for Valentine's Day. He keeps the TV on Comcast's Music Choice channels. He spouts off when Eddie Rabbit was born, how much older or younger certain singers are than each other or his grandparents. He can ID most songs by Johnny Cash, Eddy Raven, Oak Ridge Boys, etc... You can see the classic country theme here. That's his favorite. He spends time listening to current country, going through Paul's CD collection listening to anything from Guns N Roses to Led Zepplin to 3 Doors Down and Nickelback. So while in the Oversized section at the library last week I took out a book on Classic Country. It had 1-2 page bios on various artists. Lots of pictures.

Since I have been wanting to work on his writing, I went with his current interests, figuring I would get less resistance.
His assignment was to pick a singer out of the book and read the bio. He told me what he thought was important as he read though it and I wrote it down in his words. Then he cut each of his sentences up into strips and read through them, taking out what didn't seem as important anymore and ordering them in a way that sounded good. Then he added an introduction and wrote down his facts. We went through and edited and he wrote his final draft.

He is going through the
Dance Mat typing lessons right now and wants to type this after he learns all the letters.