The differences between boys and girls
The boys sit down to drive trains. They zoom around. Block the track. Crash. Fall off cliffs. Drive around in circles going nowhere. Then move on to throwing a suction cup ball at the window.
The girls sit down to drive trains. They grab the only 2 girl trains. They find husbands for their trains. They go visit the nursing home and invite each other's trains over for lunch.
I'm left remembering playing with G.I Joes with my brother when I was younger. I am pretty sure that when I played all my girl G.I Joes' had husbands too. And my brother shot the GI Joes to pieces with his BB gun.
Unplanned Additions
Yesterday I noticed hair in the cage. I know nothing about rabbits really so I figured Peter was just getting a little rough, since Lop has had some hair missing from the back of her neck. This afternoon Rylan tells me that there is hair everywhere...that they are pulling it off each other. When I opened the hutch top there was hair all over....then I noticed it moving. And another. And another. 3 babies. We had no clue she was even pregnant.
But now I know that the doe pulls out her fur to make a nest. Now I know that bunnies can be impregnated immediately after giving birth- and Peter in sitting in the cat carrier. And Cale is dancing around saying "I want to keep ALL the babies!!!"
Anyone want a bunny??
Chirstmas Ornaments
So I am using up some of our numerous eggs. Blowing out the insides and painting and decorating them in various ways. Cale's been itching to use the pressed flowers we've had since the beginning of summer.
Here are the supplies I used to blow the eggs:
Once painted and dried, I covered them in Mod Podge a couple times and let them dry again. Then used wire and beads to hang them by. We've still got a couple eggs shells in need of paint and I am still trying to talk Rylan in to doing one- He doesn't want to get messy-maybe he could paint it with mud? He doesn't seem to mind getting messy that way.
Lazy Days....
Making a hat for Cohen...('s for Christmas, because Cohen will forget by then...)
Making a hat for a doll....
The last one he did correctly- he did write 11, but we talked about it and he wrote the 2 and then I left to take Lakin to the doctor, telling Paul that Cale was finishing up his math and to check it when he was done. When I got home I asked if he had checked So we went to look and ??? If I ask him what is 3+2 he can answer me. But for some reason when looking at the facts- even if he has counters to use he just wants to combine the numbers ??
Cub Scout Achievement #6
My oldest is a natural collector. He collects everything from the fake credit cards we get in the junk mail to rocks to shells to coins. Although he is normally well organized, his shelfs are not. Each collection has it's own box or bag but that is as far as his organization goes. So for the Start a Collection acheivement for his wolf badge I told him he could either fix up one of existing collection with labels and such or he could have something of mine that was in need of some work...of course chose the new collection.
Some of them are from when I was a collector as a kid. Most I 'inherited' while going through the attic in my childhood house. They've sat in this can for years and years. So the other night we set to work sorting them. Presidents, animals, holidays, famous people, countries, historical, etc....
Last night I gave him my scrapbooking letter stickers, photo splits and an extra photo album and he worked on a couple of pages....
He's about halfway done. I can tell he's proud of it; he's picked the book up and looked though it a few time this morning and showed it off to his brothers.
Homeschool Memoirs: Games
- BINGO! We use bingo for just about everything around here. Language arts especially. We also use it for math facts and number ID for preschoolers.
- Concentration/Memory- along the same lines as bingo. We don't use it quite as much, but we have a store bought memory game and plus homemade version for upper/lower case letters, number/word matching, and our math fact flash cards- I lay them out and they choose 2 facts that equal the same answer- flipping will reveal if they are right or not.
- Knock Out! I am not sure if that is the official name, but it's what we call it. For addition we wrie the numbers 2-12 on a 2 sides of a white board and start rolling 2 dice. As each sum is rolled erase the numbers, first one to get them all wins. My oldest and I used to play this every night when he was in really helped him learn his addtion facts.
As far as store bought games: we have a lot of the standard childhood games: Monopoly, UNO, Candyland, Mouse Trap, Yatzee, Scrabble, Battleship, Clue, Cootie, Trouble, Life, Rummy-o, Sorry... some we still waiting to grow into. We probably don't play quite as much as I'd like....probably since the 2 youngers are limited to Candyland and Cootie and can play with Paul or me when we play the ones that require a little more (like Great States! Guess Who, Sorry...etc) I am sure as they get older our game playing will be a little more frequent.
Aviation Unit
- The Jet Alphabet Book and The Airplane Alphabet Book both by Jerry Pallotta. We love all Jerry Pallotta Alphabet books and almost all of our units include at least one.
- The Glorious Flight: by Alice Provensen. My boys LOVE this story. It is about Louis Bleriot and the first flight across the English Channel.
- Will and Orv by Walter A Schultz. This is a short biography on the Wright Brothers. It kept the boys' interest well, and was written on a level Rylan could read.
- Glenn L Martin: Boy Conqueror of the Air by Ruth Harley. These are our new favorite biography series (The Childhood of Famous Americans) We read one on Harry Truman and this library trip Rylan was pulling them out all over the biography section and finally landed on this one; since none of us knew who he was and he was in aviation we brought it home. So far it is very good.
- All Aboard Airplanes by Frank Evans
- Dover's History of Flight Coloring Book. I really like the Dover coloring books. And it keeps their hands busy and less wiggling around when we do our read alouds. So far they've done the Wright Flyer and the Bleriot XI.
- The Value of Patience: The Story of the Wright Brothers (a ValueTale)We all really like this series too. We've read a lot: Lincoln, Ben Franklin, Louis Pasteur....and all have gone over really well.
Today they labeled the parts of an airplane. Homeschool Share has a unit on The Glorious Flight and has some printables avialable. I am not feeling like lapbooking right now, so we probably won't use a lot of them...If I get industrious we might make these models. Once we study all the parts and such I will let them have free reign over craft materials to see if they can invent their own model airplane. We will do some mapping as we study different pilots and important flights; such as the English Channel and the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. It's a work in progress since I am trying to let go a bit and let them do the leading....
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