And the boys were in chick-heaven. A week with out their babies was getting to be too much. I still am not sure how it is that we have ones that look identical to me yet they can tell them all apart....
We have Buff Orpingtons like Fluffington
Egyptian Christmas dish.
50g unsalted butter
1 egg yolk
2 teaspoons icing sugar
2 cups self raising flour
icing sugar and pine nuts or silver ball to decorate
1. Beat butter until soft. 2. Add yolk, icing sugar and flour and mix together. 3. Make into thin biscuit shapes and put silver ball or pine nut on top. 4. Bake in pre-heated 300-350 degrees Fahrenheit oven for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until pale golden colour. 5. When cool sprinkle with icing sugar.
Ben's Guide to the US Government for Kids
Barack Obama Presidential Notebooking pages
What's Great About America- lesson plans and materials
**The ones we used for multiple topics were Ben's Guide and Congress for Kids**
And I should probably mention the website I used more than any: Google Image Search. It's a wonderful resource if you make your own lapbook templates and want more than cartoon-like clip art.