I have a serious case. It's cold- though not as cold as it has been. I haven't had my camera out nearly as much as I should. Rylan and Cale have been working in the back yard with wood scraps making a fort in the "woods" (AKA the tiny grove of trees behind our shed) On Monday we ran out to get something from just down the street, and I had to move the seat of the van forward- and I realized we had not been out of the house since the previous Tuesday! I changed that this week....Friend's house on Tuesday, Library on Wednesday, Scouts on Thursday, and a short trip to the co-op and taking eggs to the 2nd hand shop on Friday. Now I am ready to stay home again.
I guess there is something to be said about being at home....school got done, taxes are done, gas is saved...
I wish I could say we have caught the mice that are giving us trouble....although we leave Socks- our best mouser in at night- and he eats them whole, so he may have caught one. And we did get one on Monday- but I don't think I will share that story- I'll just say it involves me forgetting to drain the sink after doing dishes on Sunday night.
But there is a light at the end of winter- my seeds came in the mail today: cauliflower, 2 types of peas, carrots, rainbow carrots, zuchinni, spaghetti squash, butternut squash, cucumbers, sweet corn, onions, and peanuts. I just need my melons and tomato seeds, and to wait for March for the new blueberry and strawberry plants. Is Spring here yet?