
A Different Kind of Harvest....

....Otherwise known as "Why I never buy flower seeds..."

We've began our annual seed harvest around here. Last night Cohen, Lakin and I gathered about 2 cups worth of cosmos seeds to save for next spring.

In a couple weeks we will begin gathering marigold,

and morning glory....actually with the amount of seeds we miss, I don't even have to plant morning glories anymore....they reseed themselves all over the yard.

We also have a few different varieties of sunflower heads drying- some for us, some for the birds.

Just don't forget to pick them when they are dry, or nearly dry, so you don't get a moldy mess in your bag. Something little ones need to be reminded of often :)


  1. Love the closed up morning glory (?) picture. Lovely pictures, lovely flowers....sounds like you are busy!!

  2. Your garden and veggies look fabulous!! I'm so glad your boys enjoyed listening to the ebooks :) My kids just can't get enough of them *grin*. I think I'm going to miss them when the preview is over :)

  3. Your season is SO much farther along than ours. My cosmos JUST started blooming yesterday. Aaargh. Lovely to see all your blossoms!
